Since 1999

The purpose of thus note is to provide an addendum to the published version of Hindi Film Geet Kosh-VI (1981-1985).

The media information is given in footnotes. For example for the film AAHISTAA AAHISTAA we see

1 to 8 (LP : 2392 288); 3D/2, 5 (EP : 2221 578), 7D/6, 2 (EP : 2221 579); 1D/4, 8 (EP : 2221 580).

Here the media information is in () and song numbers are just before that separated by commas or a range 1 to 8 for example.

The D after the song number (eg 3D) means that song number 3 is a long song, about 7 minutes.

The notation / is meant to separate the sides of the record. So the notation 3D/2, 5 means that Side A has song number 3 (of length 7 minutes) and Side B has song numbers 2 and 5, in that order.

Now You Know!

New DS-276


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