Since 1999

Newspaper pages by Surender Madani

Note: The following link is to  a big table. I am adding articles to the table. The ones already done are shown in BOLD. 

Indian Express Archived Articles

Most of you already know about my friend Surender MadaniHe is responsible for the world-famous Saigal site.

In last August, he sent me an email

"Your invaluable on-line archive has inspired me to undertake a major research project to curate film and gramophone-related material from the archive of Indian Express, Madras Edition from 1933 to 1947. The Tribune (1937) advt, for the All India Exhibition event at Lahore, in which Saigal was to participate, is probably the only one available in the public domain. As I pored over the back issues of the Indian Express, I found more than was of immediate interest to me. After much flip-flop, I opted to enlarge the scope of my search. I cant but recall the innumerable times I gave up pursuing this work over the last two years. Even as I spent all my time and energies on this project, my resolve often tended to fail me. It was the belief that I should, in my own humble way, supplement the admirable work you are doing, to unearth and make available vintage film music and associated memorabilia, that helped me get back to work though I was pretty hazy about the shape it would eventually take. I am attaching the "The News Archive - Main Page" as well as a representative page "1933-01" (in the for your perusal. I will be glad to send the entire set of webpages and newspaper clippings - about 24,000 images in 150 folders, taking up 938 MB (size on disk : 985 MB), if the idea of posting the same on your website appeals to you."

 The above work is due to his hard work.

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