Since 1999


NOTE: Available on

International Edition

professor toofaani publishers, East Lansing, MI USA is happy to announce their 81st book

Poems Written On A Whim

Prabodh Shukla

From his Preface:

I never imagined I would write a book of poems. In the misty and heady days of High School I loved to read poetry and was often moved by it. I did not understand it fully but enjoyed it. It freed me of stress and brought some fulfilment even if I did not understand it. This quality was not shared by physics and mathematics which created mental frustration unless issues were resolved thoroughly. Occasionally I penned down a few lines almost involuntarily and thought them to be poetry although I never consulted anyone. Unfortunately they have been mysteriously lost like the diaries of my adolescence. The lure to write short text unconstrained by grammar and 1 rigors of logic never really left me. It resurfaced after retirement, particularly during lock downs of Covid-19, in the form of brief posts on Facebook. A friend encouraged me to write more often and I was happy to do so. Unlike scientific writing, it is such fun to write assorted things out of box without the burden of proposing a theory or proof or scrutiny of referees. Yet it would be a sacrilege to my professional training to disregard a scientific point of view on various issues. This constant awareness bestows the following collection of poems a largely unexplored genre. The real purpose of any composition is to release the author rather than to please the audience. Still if my jottings touch the imagination of a few the purpose of this publication is well served.

Paperback, 6 by 9, 96 pages

A few pages may be seen here

Now You Know!



NOTE: The Books are available on Amazon and

professor toofaanii publishers is happy to announce another double feature, books 67 and 68:



Sheo Khetan

I am always asking people of my age or older to write their autobiographies. Ours have been a most interesting generation having witnessed unprecendented changes in the world. I will not bore you with a list, you already know. We have gone through so much and have had so many good and bad experiences that will be lost forever, if not written down. Of course, practice what you preach, I am writing my own autobiography!

My very dear friend, Sheo Khetan has already published the first part tracing the history of his ancestors starting from the Middle Ages to his student days in the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. In these two books he continues the story after he arrived in the US for higher studies, his marriage, his four sons, his jobs until 2005. As before, he has decorated it with hundreds of rare color photos.

Both books are in color, US Letter size paperback, pages 181 and 483, respectively.

First few pages may be seen here


NOTE: The Book is available on

International Edition

professor toofaanii publishers is honored to announce their 70th book

Hindi Film Geet Kosh Saga of Compiler's Odyssey in HINDI

by Har Mandir Singh 'Hamraaz'

(Edited by Prof Surjit Singh)

The Compilers' story of 50 years of hard work, in his own words, in HINDI. This is how it started,

"The story is old but not more than 10 years as my age is less than 28 years. Readers can consider this as an interesting story as well.... During 1969-70 as a new regular listener of the programmes of Radio Ceylon, I used to participate in it as well. At that time, along with other programmes, I had a special interest in a programme named ‘Vaakya Geetanjali’. The announcer would announce a meaningful sentence of 7-8 words and wanted the listeners to provide the songs starting from each word of that sentence. Instead of worrying about my name to be announced amongst the listeners who sent correct solution of this puzzle, my interest was more on whatever songs I had quoted were found correct or not. Thus, one can say that indirectly, the thought of a ‘Geet Kosh’ generated from this practice. I used to compile songs in alphabetical order. Volume of compilation thus started increasing slowly day by day. Whenever I used to come across a difficult word in the ‘Vaakya Geetanjali’ programme for which I couldn’t make out a song, I used to get restless. Then I thought as to why not a systematic compilation of Film/Non Film songs produced till date be made. As soon as this thought struck to me, I started focusing more on the compilation of songs. When this idea of compiling the songs related information struck to me, I didn’t think it to be difficult. The compilation work had thus started."

Paperback (HINDI), 6 by 9, 68 pages.

First few pages may be read here

Now You Know!