Since 1999

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professor toofaanii publishers, Lansing, MI USA is happy to announce their 135th book

Forgotten Artists of Early Cinema
and The Same Name Confusion
Book 3
Arunkumar Deshmukh

Tens of thousands of artists have contributed to Hindi cinema since 1931. Barring a few famous ones, other are long forgotten and are destined for obscurity. By sheer determination the author has obtained information on many such artists.
There are scores of others with similar names. Their biographies and filmographies are often mixed up even in well-known books and popular websites. By deep research the author has distinguished between a lot of such cases. This is his third book on these topics. Another new chapter about some unknown facts about Hindi cinema has also been added.

Paperback, 6 by 9 in, 161 pages.

Now You Know!

As usual, first few pages may be read here


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