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International Edition

professor toofaanii publishers, East Lansing, MI USA is happy to announce their 131st book

Hindi Films Crew 1933-1940

Pradeep Asrani, Malini Kanth and Prof Surjit Singh

Everybody who has seen a Hindi film knows the titles sequence structure: the censor certificate, some disclaimers, some acknowledgments, the producer or the production company, the name of the film, the lead players, the character artists, a few smaller roles, perhaps animals, cars, the technicians like cinematographers, sound recorders, then editors, perhaps junior artist suppliers and the vehicle suppliers, usually ending with the lyricist, the music director, the director and the producer. There may be a mention of the music company, the studio and the sound recording system.
This huge amount of information has never been collected in systematic way so far. We have undertaken to do it, directly from the videos available.
We have avoided the information that is already included in the monumental Hindi Film Geet Kosh by Har Mandir Singh 'Hamraaz' and focused on the rest of the crew. At this time we are limited by the availability of the movies. We plan to explore other sources at a later time.

Paperback, 6 by 9, 111 pages

Now You Know!

First few pages here

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