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professor toofaanii publishers, East Lansing, MI USA is happy to announce their 113th book

Hindi Talkies (1931-1940) 78RPM Records Information in HINDI

Har Mandir Singh ‘Hamraaz’
Professor Surjit Singh

This book is based on the Database Website.

Here we have a table of the 78RPM records arranged by the Record Number, year, film, song, singer for 1931-1940.

Starts with

B 3037A


प्रेम समाधी

1. अब कछु भावत नाहीं, अब कछु भावत नाहीं, स्वामी कैसे देस सिधारे...




and ends with

VE 5112



5. कौन तुझे समझावे मूरख, कौन तुझे समझावे, प्रेम जुवा और लाभ...


It is in HINDI, paperback, 6 by 9 in, 154 pages.

Now You Know!

First few pages may be read here

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