Since 1999

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professor toofaanii publishers, East Lansing, MI USA is happy to announce their 100th book

Autobiography of a Moderately Unknown Indo-American PART I


Prof Surjit Singh

From the Preface:

Born during the partition, grew up in Jamalpura, Maler Kotla (primary school), Ludhiana (high school and college), Chandigarh (Masters degree), Pittsburgh (Doctoral degree), Shillong (Lecturer), Bombay (Visiting Scientist), Waterloo, Canada and Lubbock Texas (Visiting Research Associate Professor), San Diego, California (Senior Scientist), Lansing and East Lansing, Michigan (retired), I hereby declare myself to be a “Moderately Unknown Indian-American”.

Listening to songs in 1949 and 50s and 60s, watching movies since 1952, collecting music since 1969, writing about Hindi films since 1996, publishing books since 2015, I hereby declare myself to be a “Die-hard Movie fanatic, Period”.

This is a partial record of my life, regular and musical, I have too much to remember and put down. This is the first in a series, mainly based on my website and my Facebook posts. I had a lot of fun writing it. I hope you like it too!


Paperback 6 by 9, 115 pages, Royalty-free, sold at printing cost.

Now You Know!

First few pages may be read here


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