Since 1999

NOTE: The author has kindly agreed to make the book available for download, please get from here

Book on Shri Soami Sharan Shrivastava

However, if you would like to buy a paperback copy, it is available at the cost of printing, royalty free here.



professor toofaanii publishers, East Lansing, MI USA is honored to announce their 97th book

Believe it or not (The story of an Unsung Inventor of Color Cinematographic Process)


Dr P S Shrivastava

I have written about it before, this book tells the story of an unsung inventor from Madhya Pradesh.

This is the story of Shri Soami Sharan Shrivastava, an unsung inventor who did original research in color cinematography and obtained the following three patents (during 1948-1955):

    1. Improvement in or relating to colored motion pictures.
    2. A Color photographic process for motion pictures, and device for carrying out the same.
    3. A system to produce illusion of depth in the pictures obtained by photography and television.

Now You Know!


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