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Errata for the Indurani Book

I am happy to report that my book on Indurani (1922-2012) (Ishrat Jehan Imamuddin) has been published.

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Indurani in India


Indurani was a star of stunt and social pictures in the thirties. She was the heroine of more than 20 films from 1935 to 1942. Her heroes were Jayant, Prem Adib and E Billimoria. She co-starred with Sardar Akhtar, Leela Chitnis and Ratanbai. Famous actress Azra's mother Sarojini was her elder sister, who was also an actress.

After describing how actresses entered films and how the studio system worked, the author details the life of this Daryaganj Delhi teenager before, during and after films using interviews with her family members and old magazines like filmindia and film booklets.

The book contains more than 80 illustrations, including posters of films, photos from booklets and photos of her family.

The Foreword to the book was written by Shree Prakash Magdum, Director, National Film Archive of India, Pune.

The book can be read here.

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