Since 1999

NOTE: The Book is available on

International Edition

professor toofaanii publishers is honored to announce their 69th book

Hindi Film Geet Kosh
Saga of Compiler's Odyssey

by Har Mandir Singh 'Hamraaz'

(Edited by Prof Surjit Singh)

This book is based on the prefaces of Hindi Film Geet Kosh. It traces the history of the legendary volumes from conception (in the 70s) to the publication of Volume 4 (second edition) in 2012, almost 50 years. It is written by him, in his own words. It talks about all his travels to dozens of cities and collecting information from the record collectors, booklet collectors, various libraries and govt offices, meeting hundreds of music lovers all over India and meeting with filmy people, mainly in Bombay and Calcutta.

It also acknowledges the names of hundreds of Music Lovers and Film Personalities who provided valuable information.

Paperback (English), 6 by 9, 71 pages.

First few pages may be read here




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