Since 1999





International Edition

professor toofaani publishers is proud to announce their 21st book, a book of poems, Rainbow of Emotions by Lalit Berry of Ludhiana.

It is paperback, 6 by 9, pages 91, color cover.

Lalit Berry is a renowned author having a number of books to his credit and has also penned for a lot of magazine and newspaper editorials, translation to English and copywriting work. He has written and has shared opinions on diverse topics- may it be educational, biographical, political, social, spiritual or personal growth.

Incontestably emotions dominate our life, lifestyle and approach towards life. This would mean that we live at the mercy of emotions. Does it mean that emotions dominate us ? Why do we give free hand to emotions to impact our thought process ? Deep contemplation awoke the dormant poet residing inside me who penned down words to portray a rainbow of emotions.

First 15 pages can be read here

Now You Know!



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