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professor toofaanii publishers is happy to announce their 18th book:

Censor Certificate Information of Hindi Talkies (1931-2010)

Har Mandir Singh 'Hamraaz'
Professor Surjit Singh

This is a reference book containing the censor certificate information of Hindi talkies from the first talkie in 1931 to 2010. It has the title, the certificate number and the center, length in feet, number of reels, certificate date, production company and other useful information. Some information about the type of film, such as 16mm, dubbed, 3D, Cinemascope, is also included. It is organized alphabetically by the first letter of the title. People researching Hindi films will find this book useful.

The book is in English, US Letter/A4 size, 294 pages, Table of Contents.  The first 10 pages can be read on my website. As usual, it is available on Amazon and Pothi

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First few pages here


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