Since 1999

Note: The Sitara in the cast of Devdas (1935) is not the well-known Sitara Devi who acted in films like Roti (1942) and Hulchul (1951), but a different Sitara, sister of Jamuna. We thank Dr J P Guha for this information.

professor toofaanii publishers is happy to announce their 12th book

Hindi Films: Pictures of the Cast (1933-1937)

by Sheo Khetan (it is first non-technical book) and Prof Surjit Singh (it is his 8th book and 6th on Hindi cinema)

How many times have you wanted to know how the actors in old movies looked like? Of course, we are all familiar with the famous ones, Saigal, Ashok Kumar, Lila Chitnis, Madhubala. But how about many others whose names appear in the film cast and filmographies? This book is an attempt put faces to their names. We have taken the first 20 Hindi films whose videos are in our collection and captured pictures of the cast and included more than 300 pictures.

Black and White, paperback, color cover, 117 pages, with Table of Contents and Index.

Buying information

1. Paperback on Pothi India

India Pothi Paperback

2. ebook on Pothi India

India Pothi ebook

International Edition









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