Since 1999

I used to buy lots of books from India directly, but then the postage to US skyrocketed. I didn't mind that much, but people who were sending me books had a different opinion. So, I asked them to send the books to my brother Daljit Singh in Khanna, India.

Last month I requested him to send me all the accumulated books. He did so, I got them last week.

Thank you, all the dedicated fellow film researchers!

In no particular order, I thank M D Soni, Snehasis Chatterjee, Deb Prasad Das, H Ramesh Babu (via Arunkumar Deshmukh), and, of course, Daljit Singh.

It will take me weeks, no months to study them carefully. I promise that I will review all of them here. In the meantime enjoy this image.

Now You Know!


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