Since 1999

RMIM (the USENET newsgroup was started in January 1992.

In 2016, the Silver Jubilee approaching, I emailed Suresh Chandvankar. The exchange follows:


Hi Suresh:

A while ago you asked me to write about RMIM for the Record News. I looked into RMIM archives. There are a lot of interesting and informative articles in the RMIM archives. They can actually fill a whole issue!

So, my suggestion. Let us devote a whole issue of TRN to RMIM. Of course, you can include local news etc. in the beginning, as usual.

Please let me know what you think.
Surjit Singh

His Response:

hello Surjit ji

Just returned from Barcelona attending nice conference
learned lot
see program attached
Good idea on long article on history and current status of RMIM
- but I suggest to post it on your web site as a special feature
This is because we have discontinued publishing TRN's after last issue of 2012
It was mainly to assist Kinnear's work and has lost importance
- since he has resumed back to his work - and reissuing his books online
I am planning on special PDF files of my listening sessions
- to be posted on your web site under SIRC page

Sample ppt presentation is being sent via drop box - soon
let us see if we can upload these interactive presentations for larger outreach

rest is fine


That got me thinking about writing a book on RMIM ......

Now You Know!

First page of the first issue of the The Record News


New A85

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