Since 1999

Yesterday I received a surprise message from Dhiru Mistry about the release of his book

Dhiru Mistry Book

It was released by Rajmata Shrimant Shubhangini Raje Gaekwad of Baroda.

Here is the message:

Dear Prof. Surjit Singh,
Today our book was officially launched by Rajmata Shrimant Shubhangini Raje Gaekwad of Baroda. Other dignitaries were High Court Lawyer, Rtd. Joint Secretary, Secretary Israel Friends Society,  Maharaja Raghuvirsingh of Rajpipla, celebrity Prince ManvendraSingh, activists Chinu Shrinivasan, Renu Khanna, Dr. Ramesh Kothari, Com. Tapan Dasgupta and prominent citizens attended the function. Electronic Media also gave good coverage. Print reports shall come tomorrow. In all the function was most successful. Thank you once again.

The video may be seen here

YouTube Video Launch Function

Some photos here

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