Since 1999

When Hamraaz published Volume 1 of the Hindi Film Geet Kosh in 1988, he did not have much info about this film. See the entry

Even if you cannot read Hindi, you can tell that apart from the name, year, production company, subject and the first lines of songs, not much info was available, not even the cast! Later on he obtained the gazettes for the Censor Certificate info, which is now available on the Database Website and also in two books published by us.

Recently, I posted an interview with Leela Mishra from Filmfare where we found out that she was the film's heroine. Then Sudarshan Talwar pointed out a photo he had posted from his vast collection, a photo without any mark whatsoever, I might add. So now we know the hero and the heroine. Of course, this info will be added with thanks to him.

We need more people like Sudarshan Talwar!


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