Since 1999

I vaguely remember reading it somewhere, thanks to K C Pingle for reminding me.

Laxmikant Kudalkar (of Laxmikant-Pyarelal) acted as a child artist in a Gujarati film "Raja Harishchandra". He came to the industry to become a hero. Worked in about 5 films : 1) Raja Harshchnadra, 2) Pundalik (Hindi & Gujarati), 3) Aankhen (Nalini Jaiwant's brother), Shaadi Ki Raat (Geeta Bali's brother), 5) Jogidas Khumand (Khatiawadi).

Many years prior to this he did a small dubbing stint for Vishnupant Pagnis's film "Narsi Bhagat". But typhoid made him completely bald. He went back to learning Mandolin. Became an expert. Went to play for AIR. He recorded his first composition for K Parvez's "Tumse Pyaar Ho Gaya". Then came for a movie "Chhalia Babu" & one more film. All these 3 films did not see the light of the day.

Here in Ankhen (1950).


Now You Know!

Narsingh 790

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