Since 1999

Hindi Film Geet Kosh Volume 4 (1961-1970) (in Hindi) revised edition has been recently published, 36 years after the first edition. I am busy converting it into English and preparing it for the Database website.

In the cast of the above film I saw, "... अजीत से..., मास्टर सुरेश, भीमजी भाई, फ़ज़लू, मु......, पुष्पा ..."

So, I asked Har Mandir Singh 'Hamraaz' what he means by Ajeet Se... and Mu.... . He replied that it was so in the booklet and he sent me a page from the booklet with this story.

"I got xerox copies of some booklets of fifties and sixties through Dr. Prakash Joshi, Mumbai, long back say in early eighties.  Dr. Joshi borrowed the bound set of booklets from his friend with the condition that binding would be kept intact.  I offered to open the binding, make out xerox properly and get the same rebound at my cost.  But no luck.  So, whatever could be collected, I got from Dr. Joshi.  There may be about 30-35 such booklets.  3-4 booklets created such problems but for rest, I was able to get missing information from other available sources.  There are many such anecdotes which I won't ever forget."

So, friends, please please please, if you have the booklet of this film, please send me us copy so that we are able to put the complete information on the Database Website.


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