Since 1999

A friend of mine posted a poster of Milan (1958) and wondered if the female was Nalini Jaywant. Another one said Nishee and wondered if any songs were picturized on her.

In old days, one would have to find the film, watch all the songs and see who is singing. These days there is the Hindi Film Database Online to help.


Here are the steps to use it.

1. Go to the Songs section (Hindi or English), let us go to

गाने (1,160 फीचर फिल्मों के 9,289 गानों की जानकारी, ब्राउज़ या खोज करें, 1951-1960)

see Picture 1

2. Look for Advanced Search and click on the drop down list of Where and scroll down to परदे पर, leave the Condition at Contains, in the Value type निशी

see Picture 2

3. Click on Apply to get

see Picture 3

You get all the songs where she is on screen. Note that all the other information you see in Hindi Film Geet Kosh, eg Record numbers are also included. For duets, the names mentioned are in the same order as the singers.

4. But we want Milan (1958). A look at the top reveals that there are 25 songs picturized on her, showing 5 or 10 on the first page. Scrolling down (or next page/s) reveals

see Picture 4

that shows the 2 songs picturized on her. We also see that in the first song Nalini Jaywant and Rajendra Singh are present and second one has Ajit.

Now You Know!

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