Since 1999

We are happy to report that the Song Information section has been updated with data from 1951-1960.

If one compares the information with the published volume HFGK V III (Edition Second, April 1997), these changes will be apparent.

  1. 'Hamraaz' has been receiving additions and corrections from people all over the world, they are included.
  2. We have watched about 450 films and 3,500 songs for picturization information.
  3. Upendra Samaranayake has published two books on Junior Artist filmographies, that information has been added.
  4. Edwina has published a book on her co-dancers, information from that has been added.
  5. Main singers are listed separately from the others.
  6. On Screen Other are mainly actors who are sitting or are group dancers.
  7. If the same voice is used by many people, there names are indicated thus (A, B).
  8. We have tried to match the voices with faces on screen in the same order.
  9. People who could not be recognized are indicated thus ---.

The main website is at

Hindi Film Database

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Now You Know!



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